Rethink, Retrain, Relive

Rethink your purpose. Retrain your mind. Relive the mission.

About Rethink

At Rethink, Retrain, Relive our mission is to connect people to Jesus, His Church and His mission by providing our viewers and subscribers with blogs, sermons, resources and more to help them rethink their purpose in all areas of life, retrain their minds in Christ, and to empower them to relive in light of God's divine mission and purposes.

Our blogs are either personal experience from what Jesus has revealed to us through those we've met on our own journey with Him or are re-posts from others we know ourselves.

The site is loaded with various tools to help you connect to Jesus and get equipped for a personal walk with Him in the context of His mission and His Church for His glory. Enjoy the site and feel free to share your thoughts to make it better to fulfill its purpose.

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Rethink, Retrain, Relive.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Coach Jesus

1 John 4:9-10 "In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation (atoning sacrifice) for our sins"

Now is the time for commitment. Today is the day of salvation. God wants you to know that 99 and a half percent won't do. If you've been a curious onlooker of Jesus and His cross for some time, then it's time to stop looking at the cross and time to get on it. Die to self, die to your own play book, die to your own game plan. Give it all to Jesus and take up Jesus life, His play book, and His game plan. Let Jesus take His rightful place as Coach of your life, not assistant coach as if you're still in charge, but as Head Coach where He is truly in charge.

Our world teaches us to perform certain tasks and duties in order to be accepted, valued, and approved by others. You may have taken up this mentality in working for God's approval, but performing for God will never do, for our performance will always be lacking the perfect excellence of God. You must deny your tendency to work for God's approval and love. You must trust in Jesus' victory through His death, burial, and resurrection. For we are not accepted in God's eyes by our own moral goodness or self-righteous performance. We are accepted in God's eyes because of Jesus in us when we trust Him as Head Coach of our lives.

Let Jesus be Head Coach of your life today, and every day. Learn His play book (the Bible), live His game plan (life His way). Then, and only then, will you be able to know and live the victory that is from Jesus.

1. What areas of your life do you need to surrender to Jesus and His cross?
2. What areas of your life need the victory of Jesus?
3. Are you ready to surrender 100% to Jesus not only today, but everyday?

Titus 3:1-7, John 3, 1 John 2:1-6

Invite Jesus, in your own words, to be Coach of your life. Give Him everything and every time you recognize you've given less than 100% return humbly to Him to offer back to Him everything until you're back at 100%.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sharing the Victory

The single most foundational truth of the Christian faith is what the Bible refers to as the gospel; that is the good news of Jesus Christ. It is quite possibly the most overlooked part of our relationship to God, or lack there of, yet is absolutely the most essential aspect of knowing and connecting with Him. Without the good news of Jesus the Bible has no validity.

Without the good news of Jesus our faith is worthless. Without the good news of Jesus we have absolutely no hope of ever entering God's kingdom, learning His ways, knowing Him, going to heaven, or enjoying the life God intends for us to have. (1 Corinthians 15:12-28; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-12).

However, with the gospel we have legal access to the things of God. It is through the good news of Jesus Christ that we can know, love, serve, obey and worship God. It is through the gospel that we are forgiven, enter the kingdom, receive a place in heaven, and enjoy the life that God has intended us to live; full of His presence, grace, truth, and love. It is through the gospel, only through the gospel, that we can become children of the Most High God. (John 1:9-13; John 3:1-36).

But what is the gospel? What is this truth that is so foundational that it must not be overlooked? The gospel is this: That every one of us, myself included, has offended God by actions, thoughts, and words that have not reflected Him in our lives. Because we have offended God we stand separated from Him forever. There is nothing you, or I, or anyone else can do to earn his own way into heaven. We cannot be good enough to earn God's love or forgiveness. (Romans 3:23, Galatians 2:20)

This is where the good news comes in; we don't have to! Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, lived the perfect life that we couldn't live, died the death we should have died on the cross in our place and for our sins, and rose again from the dead 3 days later to return us to Himself. The good news is that if we rethink the way we live our lives, and place our faith and trust in Jesus death, burial, and resurrection He brings us to God because of His sacrifice. When we trust in Him, He then changes us to be like Him as He provides for us what we need to know God and obediently serve Him in action, thought, and word. That's the good news of Jesus, that He does the work for us, and it changes our lives and eternities when we depend on what He's already done! (Titus 3:1-7, Romans 6:23)

Now, in case this is a little difficult to understand, let's break it down another way. Picture a high school athlete wanting to play a college sport. That athlete can do all that they want to work really hard to earn a scholarship and still get past up because their skills weren't good enough. A high school athlete can also be the best athlete in the nation and still get past up by a college coach simply because their character and attitude are terrible.

Ask any college coach, and they'll tell you they've had to pass up players who could have been good. The reality becomes that it doesn't depend so much on how good an athlete is, all athletes are lacking in one area or another, but it depends on what the team needs and why the coach decides he wants to recruit a player. It depends not on the athlete, but on the coach. The coach chooses to offer the athlete a spot on the team because of what the coach desires in an athlete, not because of what the athlete has in and of himself. The athlete then has the choice to respond by accepting the offer and wearing the colors of the team or he chooses not to. Once on the team, their are then guidelines set in place to help the athlete grow. Violating those guidelines results in discipline, but usually not elimination from the team.

See the picture? God is recruiting us to Himself. He extends to us His offer to be on His team by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus. If we accept the offer, Jesus then gives us the colors of the cross to wear so that God identifies us as part of His team. If we refuse, we do not receive the colors of the cross and do not become a member of God's team. Once a member of the team, God disciplines and trains us, just like a good coach disciplines and trains His players, so that we can learn to play and live like a member of God's team. Accepting the offer takes but a moment. Learning to play the game God's way takes a life time. That's the gospel. That's the journey. That is the victory we have in Jesus; that He has won the day, and that in Christ we can share that victory! We must preach this, teach this, understand this, believe this, share this and live this. For all of God's play book (the Bible) points us back to this beautiful truth, that God is recruiting us to His team through faith in Jesus Christ and then training us to play the game (life) the way He wants us to as we learn the ways of His victorious team. Accept the offer, receive the training, share the victory! (1 Corinthians 15:56)